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Lonely Planet Discover Egypt (Full Color Country Travel Guide)
Lonely Planet Discover Egypt
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Sphinx in Profile - Egypt

Thumbnail pages:  Pyramids | Sphinx | Sharm el Sheikh | Tourist stuff

The sphinx and pyramids are the subject of a number of ridiculous pseudo-scientific theories based on little more evidence than "Wow, there's a really impressive old big thing - here's a fairy story about how I reckon it got there...". These monuments were built over a long time period - several decades. The man power has been proven to be available as a result of the richness of the soils surrounding the Nile flooding once a year. This meant that there was sufficient food to be stored against famine and a time of the year when the population was idle so allowing it to be used for large scale religious projects such as building the pyramids and sphinx.

It is well accepted that the labour was not slave labour, but supplied by temporarily enforced idle agricultural workers - and so more dependable and motivated.

The dimensions, alignment and precision of the pyramids is easily within the technology of the age and doesn't need alien cultures or other kinds of magic to explain it. That such things are called upon is more a case of ignorance and love of sensationalism in the writer.

The sphinx and pyramids were conceived and executed by the human mind, ingenuity and muscle power - and so are all the more believable and impressive as a result.

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