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Coralline Platform, Red Sea - Egypt

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Looking from one hotel jetty to another, the coralline platform can be clearly seen, while the particular topography does vary from place to place, this is typical of much of the coast around Sharm el Sheikh. There are some places with a sandy beach and where you can easily walk into the sea, but not many.

This arrangement however is ideal for the snorkeller as you drop off the end of the jetty into water with a coral wall on both sides and instantly you see a whole range of life, coral and others sedentary organisms and also plenty of fish swimming around.

The water is very clear as there is no sand being churned up by the sea - the bottom being sufficiently deep to not be affected. There are often plentiful fish swimming across this platform area, parrot fish are common, there's a green one you can make out in this picture between the 6 and 7 o'clock positions. Surgeon fish are also common in these shallows, if there are lights along the jetty, go down there at night, you will probably see lionfish attracted to them after dark - or rather, the lionfish are attracted to the small fish that are attracted to the lights.

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